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The End of War in Sri Lanka:

Reflections and challenges

edited by, 2010 

To mark the one-year anniversary of the horrific end to the three-decade long ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, the feisty, thought-provoking website opened their platform to writers and thinkers to reflect on the occasion. Over the course of a week in May 2010, some 80,000 words were published by nearly 40 authors, including academics, activists, politicians and a few anonymous concerned citizens. The organisers have now come out with a high-quality, Ford Foundation-funded, printed archive of this laudable flush of emotion and analysis.

While there are a variety of tones in the collected pieces, what comes across most clearly is the ferocity and confusion uniquely inherent to a civil war – that most inappropriately named thing. Indeed, a year after the end of the war, the wounds, far from beginning to heal, seem to have become even more of a festering wound for many. While this anger is powerfully expressed and analysed from a multitude of vantage points, the material collected here ends up feeling as though it is skirting around an important element of this complex story. Beyond a few references, where is the dissent to the dissent? 

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