Reclaiming Afghanistan: web-exclusive package

Reclaiming Afghanistan: web-exclusive package

The year 2014 is being described as one of 'transition' in Afghanistan, with the impending drawdown of US and NATO forces. Escalating attacks have produced fears that the military withdrawal will lead to a spiral of violence. The dominant narrative around the disengagement centres on the military, economic and social aspects. There are doubts about the ability of the poorly trained and motivated Afghan National Army to counter Taliban offensives. The anticipated reduction in international aid poses a severe challenge for an aid dependent country whose economy is anything but robust. As for the social sphere, the fear is that the Western departure will lead to a regression on human rights and women's rights promoted following the US-led intervention in 2001.

The counter-narratives welcome the withdrawal of US and NATO forces and view the situation as an opportunity for Afghanistan to chart its own path. From this standpoint, the long-term foreign involvement has failed to ensure security, functioning governance structures or economic stability, especially considering the exorbitant human and material costs of war. Supporters of this position range from anti-war advocacy groups to commentators and experts, some of whom decry what they perceive as Western imposition, and believe that Afghans are best left to themselves after many years of intervention.

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Himal Southasian