Illustration: Paul Aitchison
Illustration: Paul Aitchison

The making of a refugee

A longform series on Afghans in Germany.

As the European Union heads towards parliamentary elections which start on 23 May, one of the most divisive issues is that of the refugees in Europe.  This has remained a hot-button issue and a feature of many a campaign trail since the 2015 'refugee crisis', which saw the arrival of a large number of asylum seekers seeking refuge from war and the complicated aftermath of conflicts. 

While the 'refugee crisis' and its political ramifications have been discussed in great detail, what is less explored are the stories of the people perceived as an urgent problem. The majority of the refugees who landed in 2015 ended up being admitted by Germany, which took in close to 890,000 people. In this series of longform reports by writer Taran N Khan – 'The Making of a Refugee' – we take a longer look at the lives of Afghan refugees and migrants living in Germany.
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